Greetings, blog subscribers!
As summer approaches, many of us look forward to a lighter schedule or perhaps some vacation time. At my house, this school year has been a full one. Although we have continued to process the losses of last year (having lost two parents), most of this year’s changes have been positive ones. We’ve also had a clear reminder that new ventures—even exciting ones—involve information-gathering, a multitude of decisions (which some of us are sure to overthink), and a lengthy to-do list. It’s been a lot and now we’re ready for some down time. There’s a story that speaks to exactly how I feel. (I may have shared this in a previous post, but I think it’s worth repeating.)
A small group was on a long trek in Africa. After several days, the group’s leader simply sat down. Someone asked if he was tired, and he replied, “No. We have travelled many miles and now it is time to stop and let our souls catch up.”
Do you sometimes feel this way?
I also find echoes of this idea in the writings of the prophet Isaiah. “This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel says: ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength,’” (I kind of wish the verse ended there! However, human nature being what it is, it continues…) “’but you would have none of it.’” (Isaiah 30:15, NIV) Let’s seek to live out the first part of that verse, not the last!
If quiet and rest is something you need more of, or if you need convincing that it’s not simply for the selfish or the lazy, you might want to read the chapter of my book titled “Beach Chair”!
To celebrate the beginning of summer, especially with blog subscribers in mind, I’ve arranged a special discount with my publisher. Simply go to, search for Life, Faith, and Saltwater Taffy by J.B. Hazelton, and put in the code JUNE30 for 30% off through this month. (Be sure to type the code exactly as you see it here.) This is a great time to pick up a copy for yourself, or stock up on a few to give as gifts. This is also my favorite season to do book events. These can even be arranged as fund-raisers for church projects, etc. Contact me if you’d like to discuss it.
This summer, I hope you have some fun and some new ventures. I also hope we can all find time to take a deep breath and remember that, as Kurt Vonnegut said, “I am a human being, not a human doing.”