introducing: Life, Faith, and Saltwater Taffy

introducing: Life, Faith, and Saltwater Taffy

What happens in a decade? Styles shift. Administrations change. Trees grow. Sweet elementary-school kids turn into teenagers. (Let’s hope they’re still sweet!) And for me, a book went from an idea to something I can actually hold in my hands.

In my last post, Just Keep Rowing, I outlined some of the challenges I faced in getting the manuscript for Life, Faith, and Saltwater Taffy ready to send to the publisher. Since then, I have been busy working with the copy editor, typesetter, and the cover designer, to turn the manuscript into a completed book. The first copies to come off the press are set to arrive in my mailbox any time. After years of joy, struggle, and work, I’m excited—and yes, a little bit nervous—about finally holding it in my hands. It is my hope and prayer that as others read about the joys, struggles, and insights that are part of my life path, they will find encouragement for theirs.

Life, Faith, and Saltwater Taffy is designed for individual reading or for group study, and makes a lovely gift. Each chapter begins with a custom illustration by Jenny Shute and a thought-provoking quote, and ends with a prayer. A Diving Deeper section follows, offering an opportunity to reflect, give thanks, read further, and act.

My publisher and I are offering you a special limited-time discount code. If you order Life, Faith, and Saltwater Taffy by J.B. Hazelton directly from the publisher’s site,, you can save 40% with the code Taffy40. (Shipping is reasonable, too.) If you prefer, the book is also available through Barnes and Noble (through 1/28 you can save 25% by using the code PREORDER25). The book is on the Amazon site, should soon be available on, and can be ordered through any bookstore. A hardcover edition and Kindle ebook will be available in the coming weeks.

If you find the book brings you any encouragement, inspiration, or even just a smile, please post a review on whatever sites you use.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me in this project!

A book-launch / book-signing party is in the planning stages. Subscribers will be notified when it’s all set.

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