

Humor adds sparkle to life. In heart-rending times it can provide a lifeline. Humor builds bonds between people. And laughing is good for your health!

We may get a laugh from stand-up comedians, funny movies, and silly cat videos. Perhaps I have an odd sense of humor (if you know me and agree, you can stop nodding now!), but often the things that I think are funniest are just the silly, everyday things that happen. Have you seen the quote, “Some days I amaze myself. Other days I find my keys in the refrigerator.”?  Old or young, we all do and say goofy things sometimes.  It’s just part of being human. While these events are probably funniest when you’re there in the moment, I’m hoping to tickle your funny bone by writing about some situations that have tickled mine.  

We’re most likely to do silly things when we’re tired. I posted a story on another site about a morning last fall when I was particularly sleepy. As I came downstairs, I didn’t think my usual cup of tea would do the trick. My mental fog called for something stronger. It was a latte day! A little later, I sat sipping my hot drink and attempting to read, but still couldn’t focus. I thought that was pretty sad, since I was half-way through my beverage. It was then I realized the espresso was still on the kitchen counter and I was drinking warm milk (suggested for sleep!) with just a shake of cinnamon. I laughed at myself. Yeah, it’s pretty bad when you’re too tired to make the coffee you hope will wake you up!  

Then there are the funny things we say. Sometimes it’s as simple as mixing the first letters of different words. Years ago, a school I was teaching at was planning a fund-raiser and I had a question about the raffle tickets. Except I asked about the “Raffit tickles.” That still makes me giggle. Sometime when I go take a shower, I remember a friend saying he was going to “shake a tower.” This same friend also came up with a new flavor of ice cream—“Farble Mudge.”

Recently, someone asked me what currency is used in Israel. I knew full well it was the shekel. Yet, the first word out of my mouth “Schimmel.” That’s the name of the company that manufactured my piano! I could just as well have said Israeli prices are in Steinways!

Since I have clearly established that I both do and say nonsensical things, and in fact we all do, I can tell you that my husband is a master of accidental humor. I have no idea what we were discussing when he managed to combine martial arts and travel by coming up with the word “nanchuckets.” Acronyms are also a minefield for my husband.  We were talking about members of the armed forces dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Despite the seriousness of the topic, we were all rolling on the floor when he said the soldiers returned with PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.)

Next time you do something hare-brained, laugh at yourself and forgive yourself for being human. When others do something silly that makes you laugh, be sure they know you love them, respect them, and are laughing because we’re all in the same boat. And a little laughter helps us row that boat “merrily down the stream!”

What has made you laugh recently?

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