Valentine’s Day reflections
coffee heart

Valentine’s Day reflections

Valentine’s Day… 

A day to pause and show appreciation for those we love. Maybe even a time to soak in the appreciation of others. What a great idea! It’s fun to exchange cards and bake heart-shaped cookies to let friends and family know we care.  

But love is so much more than hearts and candy, flowers and teddy bears. I have a coworker who uses the phrase,  “the work of family love.” Yes, showing love—whether to family, friends, or neighbors—is sometimes hard work, requiring patience and courage.

I think of the joy of receiving a card lovingly crafted by little hands. But what about when that child becomes a teenager, certain he/she knows everything and parents and teachers are obsolete? What about when a family member is ill or aging, needing ongoing care and help? 

I think of a young couple, exchanging Valentine cards, and later exchanging vows. But what about when one scratches his/her head, trying to make sense out of something hurtful the other has just done or said? Sometimes love means having the courage to gently speak the truth, even when the other person doesn’t want to hear it. 

A good friend and I have a fun tradition of exchanging “cutesy” Valentine cards. But more importantly, we have also supported each other and put up with each other when one of us was sick or upset and a bit prickly.

This Valentine’s Day, let’s exchange cute cards and eat heart-shaped cookies. But let’s not stop there. Let us also remember Jesus’ example of courageous, sacrificial love. And let’s celebrate all the love in our lives: the light-hearted love—and the patient, courageous, hard-working love.

As John wrote, “Dear children, let us not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.”  1 John 3:18 (NLT)

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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