Who are you going to be?

I’m not big into New Year’s resolutions. But I do think a little reflection is a good thing as we begin a new year—and a new decade. Sometimes we focus on what we want to see HAPPEN. That’s fine, but often this is out of our control. Sometimes we focus on what we want to DO. That’s great, too. However, today I’d like to focus on something even…

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Yesterday morning (Monday), I woke up with a mild tension headache, but also a sense of accomplishment. It had been one of the busiest weekends of my life. And I had done better than just get through it. Because I had taken conscious steps to avoid letting the busyness become a stress fest, I had been able to enjoy it.  Initially, we planned to attend two large holiday parties on…

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Thankfulness. It helps us fully experience the good times, and it helps us get through the tough times. Gratitude may even be a gateway to joy. (Hmmm... something to ponder.) I love that we have a holiday called Thanksgiving. I am grateful to be sharing it with each family member and friend who will be around the table this year. For the first time in a few years,…

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Looking for Joy

Earlier this month, I answered the door to find a neighbor and her children on my front porch. They wished me a Happy Birthday and gave me a lovely plant. What a sweet surprise! That day was full of joyful little surprises. What amazes me most is that many were ordinary events which could have happened on any day. Let me show you what I mean. I needed…

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